but a comment from Dumbledore sends her to research the more powerful old magics. She practices nonverbal magic in her spare time, has become an Animagus. Hermione is developing into a powerful witch by 6th year Hogwarts.

The Cravers were a major faction in Endless Space 1, you can read more about them here.Orphan_account Fandoms: Harry Potter - J.In fact it is difficult to apply the concept of a political system to the Cravers, as a good two-thirds of their population barely have enough of a sense of individuality to understand the idea of casting a vote. She lacks a creative or directive role in the development of those plans, however, and simply passes judgment on them. The Queen could be viewed as the leader of the society, but only in the sense that she has the capacity to refuse plans proposed by the Bishops. Perhaps the best, if arbitrary, definition of a homeworld would be the planetary factory of Kovanyuv, where many of them were created. While a planet is not depleted, Cravers get a massiv FIDS bonus. Every Craver pop gives 1 depletion point per turn on that planet (planet, not systemwide). Since you won't be able to ally or even get peace with them you can use your bubbles to mess with their depletion mechanic. Much of the research was done on the Virtual world Bejek, but as they were DNA patterns shared across the Virtual federation and vat-grown in numerous locations it is hard to determine a single site. Depletion points is a mechanic for Cravers. It is difficult to define a homeworld for the Cravers, as they were an artificially created species. The true leaders of Craver society are a caste known as Bishops this small percentage of intellectually advanced Cravers forms the backbone of society and is responsible for decisions on construction, warfare, development, reproduction, and exploration.

Though she has an unquestionable right to veto and would be consulted in the case of extreme risk to the hive or a deadlock in the process, her importance is more social than political. Though the Queen is the most important single member of the Craver hierarchy, she is not necessarily its leader or decision-maker as her time is spent in the production of future generations. The cravers are a race of humanoid bio weapons created by the endless with the purpose to destroy planets. Feeding the hive is their all-consuming purpose the notions of 'treaty', 'trade', and 'peace' do not exist. As their home world is close to being consumed, they must leave in search of further nourishment.įor if they do not continue to expand, discover, and exploit new worlds, their society will eat itself to death. Their life cycle is based on consumption, and as such they are capable of digesting any form of plant or animal matter. Created by the Endless from an insectoid life form, the Cravers are in the purest sense hunter-gatherers who would never have independently evolved the systems and infrastructure needed to raise crops or domesticate animals.