Sorry for not liking your work, the great Peter Chung. Even though it was thematically appropriate, it just appeared crude and amateurish. As I mentioned above, I was not a fan of the animation style one bit. The encounter seems random in the series timeline, as it doesn’t necessarily make any significant on the story as a whole excluding Jack’s character development. Definitely not a surprise that it went straight to DVD.

Dark Fury, what was the reason you were made? First of all, the film is only about 30-40 minutes long, so it would have been easily classified as an original video animation (OVA) instead of a film. I am not particularly a fan of its crudeness, but it seems thematically appropriate for the Riddick universe. The only other positive I would like to point out is the animation style. I strongly believe that they regret it now, but that is beyond the point. Set right after the events of Pitch Black, Dark Fury does feature the return of the main cast, voicing their respective characters from the previous film. Is there anything I actually like about you? A few things, but very little. Riddick, Jack, and Imam must fight their way through the army of human and alien creatures at her disposal or they will meet a fate crueler than death. To her Riddick is the ultimate “masterpiece” for her collection. Although the criminals are frozen, they are alive and conscious. The ship’s owner, Antonia Chillingsworth, collects criminals, whom she freezes and keeps as statues that are, in her view, art. Johns (in Pitch Black) over the intercom, they quickly voice-print and identify him.Ĭaptured by the mercenaries, the trio of survivors discover that their captors have unusual plans for them.

Although Riddick attempts to conceal his identity from the mercenaries by impersonating William J. Shortly after escaping the planet from Pitch Black, Riddick, Jack, and the Imam are picked up by a Mercenary spacecraft. This time we have The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury.ĬOUNTRY: United States, French, South Korea Hello everybody! While this is not necessarily an anime in the traditional sense, I wanted to include it in this week’s club regardless.